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I have been writing these helpful performance blogs for over 15 years. Please take a few minutes to read a few and let me know what you think or if you have any questions. You can now see 5 minute videos on each of these topics and more all relating to how to be a working professional in the music industry. Please visit my YouTube Channel and LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE! Thank you!





As a producer of many shows, most of them benefits, and as the Producer of the annual Winter Rhythms at Urban Stages every December and now the NATS Musical Theater Competition, I have a lot to say on how one should act if invited to do a Group Show.

  • Respond to all emails as they are sent asking for a photo, bio, song choice...do not  make the Producer chase after you.
  • Show up for your rehearsal time 10 minutes before your allotted time as, many times, these rehearsals go pretty quickly and next on deck should be ready to go just in case.
  • Do not miss your allotted time or call the Producer if there is an emergency.
  • Bring your music (or email your chart) to the Musical Director when asked and in the format they require (usually a PDF). Some will want you to send it ahead of time to look over and to create a show book. Others will want you to bring your chart with you taped accordion style. No charts or specialty material will be used by any other singer. All music will be returned at the end of the show but it is your responsibility to pick it up.
  • BRING A COPY OF YOUR SONG TO THE SHOW ANYWAY...I have learned the hard way that some MD's ask for the music to look over but still expect you to bring your sheet music the night of the show. 
  • If there is a band, make sure you are offering 3 EXACT copies of your music.
  • Let the Producer know early on if you have to sing early or later in the program for whatever reason.
  • Dress to impress. Just because it's not  your solo show doesn't mean you should show up in jeans. Dress as a professional. Remember, many in the audience have never seen or heard you before so...you only get one chance to make a first impression.
  • Speaking of the audience....PROMOTE. Do not rely on everyone else in the cast to fill the room. In my shows I prepare an E-Flier and an Event on Facebook and all I ask is that you post it to your social media and on your page and forward the email to your Friends & Family.
  • Let's face it, you use a group show to advertise your upcoming solo show and I'm totally fine with that BUT...here's the thing...
  • No one will ever choose to NOT go to your solo show over attending a group show...it's just not going to happen. However, if they cannot attend your solo show, they may want to come out and support the cause and show you some love in the group show. If everyone in a 7-14 person cast brought in 3-5 people the room would be filled.
  • Further to the above, if I bring in my 5 people and everyone else brings in their 3-5, I am now singing to many folks (and you are too) that I do not know who may like my work and then come to see my show...it's really a win-win so please PROMOTE!
  • Finally, just so that you know, if any of these "rules" above are broken or I have to chase you or you show up slovenly dressed or unprepared or late...that's it for me. I'll never book you again and I'd never refer you. I don't care how great a singer you are...this is an issue of professionalism and I need to work with a team that understands and respects these rules and each other.

I hope this Sue's Views has opened a few eyes and has been helpful.



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