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I have been writing these helpful performance blogs for over 15 years. Please take a few minutes to read a few and let me know what you think or if you have any questions. You can now see 5 minute videos on each of these topics and more all relating to how to be a working professional in the music industry. Please visit my YouTube Channel and LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE! Thank you!





As the host of my own Open Mic for 3 years, here are some helpful hints on how to proceed when attending and Open Mic and more importantly, on what NOT to do!

  • You should arrive at least 30 minutes before the Open Mic starts to get settled in and to order.
  • Check in with the host or sign up.
  • You need to bring 2-3 IDENTICAL copies of your music )depending on how many musicians are playing the gig) with chord symbols taped accordion style... no books, no loose sheets, no double-sided copies. The easier you make it for the musicians to read down, the better they play and the better you will sound.
  • I suggest that you bring 2-3 identical copies of a few choices just in case someone who goes up before you perform the tune you were planning to sing.
  • There is no rehearsal with the band prior to being called up so be concise in what you need from them when you speak to them before singing. Ex: "One time through then you take 2 A's and I'll come back in at the bridge. We're doing a 3x tag at the end." OR "Exactly as written or noted on the music."  If this does not make sense to you, ask your Musical Director to each you about your charts and how to talk them through with a band.
  • Do not overstay your welcome by talking too much to the host. Answer what they ask and move on. Have a clean, brief song set up…do not ramble. If you talk too much this could mean 2-3 other folks will not be able to sing. Be considerate!           
  • You should have your music on the table ready to go if your name is called. Sometimes the host tries to give you a heads up.
  • When called up, you speak with the musicians, talk to the host, count off and sing. Thank the host and the band when you leave. Again, if you do not know how to set your tempo or count off, ask your MD to each you.
  • Part of doing Open Mics is to learn how to work with different MDs. While it is OK to have your guy play for you, please check with the host beforehand to let them know. Again, it takes time to shift things around and that’s time others can’t sing.
  • One song. NO medleys. Total stage time is a maximum of 3:00 - 5:00 minutes per person INCLUSIVE of your patter (song set up). At Cast Party there are no ballads. If you ignore the rules, you will not be asked to sing again. NOTE: Not all Open Mics ban the ballad but do know the rules of the Open Mic you are attending.
  • It is nice if you stay for the entire show to give fellow singers some support, but you may come and go as you please just do not leave when someone is singing…it’s kinda rude. Just wait until people are applauding and slip out.



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